Friday 22 June 2007

Proud of my children

My son is sick, he was sent home from school on Wednesday morning. I'm not sure if it was the stress of the dress up day or the fact that reports were being sent home on Weds afternoon, but he came home a quivering wreck. Only joking he is the best son, and he was really sick.

My daughter is going to a party this afternoon and all week I have been trying to get to the shops for a present but my son was not up to it. He even vomited to prove he wasn't up to it. - Nice.

Today we got there, he was dosed up on Nurofen and we made a run for it before it wore off. (Nurofen and Panadol and Calpol are wonderdrugs when it comes to children)

While we were out, he got a little appetite back and wanted some food. A good sign, I thought I would treat him to a muffin, after all I was making him shop when he was sick, but no - he wanted a fruit salad. How proud was I. My kids would choose a fruit salad over a muffin - and sushi over McDonalds. I don't think anything will ever beat chippies though.

My daughters favourite food is broccoli and she likes nothing better with her broccoli than carrot. The youngest one, well she is so in the terrible two's at the moment, every day is different. I am treading very lightly where she is concerned at the moment.


After the lollipops party this afternoon, I am heading to another party of my own. A clothes swap party. Idea - swap clothes you don't wear anymore. I have never been to such a party before and since I lost all the weight and slowly (very slowly) started buying new clothes, I have nothing I can swap. I will just have to go for the fun of it.


Oh and the present was My Little Pony. Well what else?

1 comment:

Kek said...

My Litle Pony? You mean they're still "in"? My stepdaughter used to love those...and she's now 28.