Tuesday 22 January 2008


Oh my word - is it really a week since I wrote.

Today these are my thoughts and ideas about lateness, they are meant as an initial help to me and probably won't make any sense to anyone else, but I sat down to write (with pen and paper so why not on this blog?)

Being late really stresses me, not so much people being late for appointments with me but more me being late, not only for appointments, but anything. When I was younger (read - single, I can't even say childless cos Jon is worse than the kids) I was always on time, if not early, and rarely stressed. Mostly, even now if I have only myself to consider, I am on time so really it is the kids that bring me down.

Jon will argue that it always me they are waiting for but he neglects to consider that I am the last one to get ready, first I get everyone else ready and then can I think about myself. (Mum comes last again!!)

The consequence today of being late meant that I made the physio appointment on time but on the way there I realised I had forgotten to pack my shirt to train at the gym (gym and physio in same building and kids in creche), choice, go home and be late for physio or miss training session. Both were very traumatic to me, especially as I have set goals for training so not only miss enjoyment of training but messes up plan. However, I think being late and missing part of appt would be worse. So no training. Now need to figure how to make my life on a day to day basis easier. Suggestions and ideas or what works for you would be great. Leaving my children at creche one day, where they would be cared for is not an option cos the staff know where I live!!


- get me ready first every morning

- get bag ready night before (tried and failed this many times) -but still an idea

- train kids military style

- glue kids shoes to feet

- instead of seeing 9.30am appt time, plan to arrive 15 mins earlier, usually we are leaving at the time we are supposed to be there.

- stop planning so much and just do (ok bye then - only joking)

- make lists (what more?) - I am a list person

- maybe give up 15-20 my time in morning before kids get up, even though I really like this. Maybe I should have it in evening when kids are in bed.

I think the most helpful will be get me ready first.

Enough for now - got bags to get ready for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kek said...

Put the kids to bed in their clothes and shoes. ;) I'm kidding.

The only thing that works for me is each night to check my schedule for the next day and get everything ready before I go to bed. So yes, pack a bag at night..

I even get my training clothes and shoes organised so I don't have to look for the right socks/ shorts/ whatever.

I always allow extra travel time too. You never know when you'll be held up with traffic or roadworks or something. But then I have a pathological fear of being late, so I tend to over compensate. :o)