Tuesday 2 September 2008

Camping part 2

Kerryn - I was going to reply in the comments, but I thought this could be a post in itself. I had forgotten the peeing behind bushes and have a couple of short tales to tell.

I remember having to be extremely drunk to even go. Otherwise, nothing would happen, no matter how much I willed it - and I think I know why...................

Growing up in the Lake District, we spent a lot of days out walking and hiking, and peeing behind a tree was compulsory, but my dad used to think it was hilarious to keep lookout and then shout quick someone is coming........ every time and guess what - we never learned.

(I have just wrote an email to my dad telling him how excited we are about him coming - I think I have just changed my mind.)

Another time we were enjoying a nice afternoon on Coniston Water and all of a sudden police with their dogs arrived from all around. Apparently in the next clearing, a guy had attacked two ladies with a chainsaw and were looking for him. Not a nice story but definitely no trips to the trees that afternoon.

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