Monday, 30 April 2007


Most of this weekend seemed to be to do with posture.

Friday saw a visit to the physio, to try and get him to let me do more exercises for my shoulder. That didn't work too well but he did loosely agree that we can go hard in 3 weeks. He did say though that I could lift as much weight as I liked down by my side, ie for dumb bell squats and lunges, but not a pen over my head. He also said that I need to concentrate on posture until my next appointment, which is in 3 weeks. I need to do whatever I can to keep my arm by my side, when driving, using the computer, picking up children - no go. Feeling much more positive about it all even though he gave the posture less than a 50/50 chance of improving the situation much. Regardless still feeling positive.

Next - Saturday to the Chiro for my monthly body alignment check up. All back in place and aligned now.

Sunday - Full on lectures about postural alignment and problems and what exercises to prescribe to correct or relieve certain conditions, it was so so interesting but so much more to take in than just the normal basic programming. Then for the assessment........ I'll let you know.

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